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The Description

Mental Health is one of the most challenging parts of any modern community. It escapes the auspices of many healthcare infrastructures, but it remains crucially important to the health of the community at large. One of the most telling indicators of mental health in a community is its access to education regarding mental health.
A local Youth Mental Health Summit survey revealed that youth cited barriers to asking for help as being fear of using school counselors because of difficulty of scheduling or being taken seriously, embarrassment, lack of parental help, and lack of resources. To help address these barriers, we hired Jaff Yalden, a professional speaker who addressed three area high schools, teachers, and parents and provided everyday guidance and coping skills. Resources to seek help were gathered from all three schools and have been housed on the Jasper Newton Foundation webpage.

How We’ll Measure Impact

  • Feedback from school counselors
  • Tracking on JNF resource page (via analytics)

The Outcomes

Over 2,000 students and staff will receive professional mental health education with increased awareness of coping skills and community resources.

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